Shannon Barrett, M.Ed.

“Applause for Thomas Caffrey’s video series, I have been working in this field for 15 years and this is one of the most comprehensive videos series I have come across. FANTASTIC!

Overcoming Irrational Fears:
Extremely informative! The combination of charts, bulleted information, verbal presentation, and video examples will meet the need of all adult learners. The video is broken down into logical, easy to follow steps. It’s perfect for the seasoned professional as well as a parent new to the Autism diagnosis.

Picky Eaters:
Picky eating is an issue so many of the families I work with are experiencing. I have been in this field for 15 years, but after watching this video, I finally feel confident in presenting them with a strategic plan to target this issue. The video examples are perfect for families, they will provide the support and motivation to implement the suggested strategies, and the hope to persevere.”

Shannon Barrett, M.Ed., Autism Specialist, Howard County Public School System